BRIGHT CANDLES HIGH SCHOOL has been following honestly, the simple principles of truthfulness, humanity and courage since the inception in the field of school education. these simple principles when applied smartly and positively have given tremendous results, where educational processes are smartly simplified for excellent results and real education of heart and brain finds its right place".
The Specialty of BRIGHT CANDLES HIGH SCHOOL is in solving the practical problems of the school system with the help of Bright Candles Smart Schooling System which is exclusively designed by Ashoka Educational Trust Training & Research Institute, for the positive growth and development of students and pursuance of excellence. All the above mentioned information is giving the message to concern students, Parents, Guardians that the BRIGHT CANDLES HIGH SCHOOLhas been rendering the job of spreading needed education smartly by updating the school system from time to time. BRIGHT CANDLES HIGH SCHOOLl is the revolution in the field of school services for the betterment of whole society.

Bhagwati Nagar Jammu |
0191-2505839 |
Ashokacollegeofeducation@rediffmail.com |