
It is a matter of great pleasure & pride movement that Ashoka College of Education is bringing its college magazine "DRISHTY".
Education in India is passing at present through a very critical but interesting phase,the most characteristic feature of which is change, quick, continues universal change in ideas as well as social institution. We are living not only in a new and dynamically changigg India but a new world in which science, industries ans new methods of warfare have completely rest the old/problems. The development in information technology has thrown new opportunities & challenges. Special emphasis is being placed on computer methods and skills into school education. Globalization & liberalisation have replaced traditional methods of imparting training. To keep pace with these fast changing values & techniques in education, we have reoriented our strategies & method to meet these new challenge.
A college magazine is not only a mare collection of articles & poems but a project of launshing new initiativeness in entirely new directions par excellence befitting the new challenges in day to day social order.
Ashoka college is a young institute coming up under sweet affable & dynamic "ASHOKA EDUCATIONAL TRAINING & RESEARCH INSTITUTE. there is a chain of institutes with B. Ed, Law, BCA & ETT.we are luxuriantly going a head in educational feild.
I take opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to all those who have worked hard in bringing out this magazine. I extended my heartiest felicitations to the principal, staff & pupil teachers for all their hard work & wish that the college achieves excellence in every aspect, Editorial Board deserves special complements for publication of DRISHTY.
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